New App May Help Solve the Shidduch Crisis

New and exciting Shidduch initiative: they are testing a new mobile app called Auntie Matchmaking (piloting it now on the Frum community) where users become like shadchanim to make matches for their friends and family members.

Please note that Auntie is not meant for singles, but for other people to help singles find their bashert. To read more about the app, check out this week's Jewish Link article

If you would like to join and match for somebody, please visit here for simple sign up instructions, or click here with an iPhone to download the app. Feel free to email (Rabbi of the Young Israel of Kew Gardens Hills) for any questions or concerns.

Every person who tests the app and completes a profile for a single will be automatically entered into a raffle for a $300 Amazon Gift Card. Additionally, every person you refer to become a tester will get you an extra entry into the raffle!


We strongly believe this platform can give us the tools to make Shidduchim more quickly, easily, and affordably while respecting the traditions of our community. We look forward to hearing your feedback!

You can also learn more by contacting us using the form below:

Contact Form